About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Wanamukti: Journal of Forestry Research is published by the Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Winaya Mukti. This journal focuses on publications in the field of forest resource conservation and the tropical environment derived from research, literature studies and book reviews. This journal accepts manuscripts covering all aspects of ecology, landscape ecology, conservation of wildlife, sustainable use of plants and wildlife, ethnobotany, bioprospecting, ecotourism, management of conservation & protection areas, urban forests, forest product technology, forest management, social forestry, silviculture, and services and environmental education.
Peer Review Process
Some policies in the review of Wanamukti : Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan:
- Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers.
- Review process employs Double-blind Review, that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.
- In the review process, reviewers consider the correspondence of title, abstract, discussion (findings) and conclusions. In addition, reviewers also consider the novelty, scientific impact and references used in the paper.
The response of the reviewers will be the basis for the Editor to conclude:
- Accept Submission
- Revisions Required
- Resubmit for review
- Resubmit elsewhere
- Decline Submission
An article was rejected for publication due to various considerations, including:
- The article does not fit the scope of journal.
- The article does not follow the rules of writing scientific papers or author guidelines.
- The fundamental methodological errors.
- The author refuses to make suggestions of improvements provided by the reviewer without a logical basis.
- There are indications of plagiarism of more than 20%.
Publication Frequency
This journal will be published twice a year (April and October).
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
WANAMUKTI is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Winaya Mukti which established in 1998. In the early years of publication, the Journal was an information medium for internal discussion forum of academic community in Forestry Faculty of Universitas Winaya Mukti Bandung.
The first period or pioneering period of journal lasted for three years (1998-2001). At that time the focus of journal was global forestry and environmental. The issue of publishing in this period had not been consistent. In one year (volume) one or two numbers (editions) can be published. The format of the wanamukti print in this period is quite good with A-4 paper. It appeared because the print version and the circulation were not too much, but some numbers of publication are not well archived. In 2002 Volume 5 Number 2 the journal had print ISSN (1412-8381) in 2002.
The second period or the development period of journal lasted for five years, since 2002 to 2010. The issue of publishing in this period had been consistent.
The third Period or the crisis period of journal lasted for six years, since 2011 to 2017. This period was occurred will acquisition of the faculty type change from Universitas Winaya Mukti to Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hayati Intitut Teknologi Bandung. But, Faculty of Forestry Universitas Winaya Mukti still exist and keep the journal although not had consistent in time of publish.
The Fourth period or rise and strengthening period of journal is from 2018 until now, in this period the journal had online ISSN (2621-833x) with the new name: Wanamukti: Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan (e-Journal), cover, format, editorial team and continued his volume and number. Journal focuses on publications in the field of forest resource and the tropical environment derived from research, literature studies and book reviews. This journal accepts manuscripts covering all aspects of ecology, landscape ecology, conservation of wildlife, sustainable use of plants and wildlife, ethnobotany, bioprospecting, ecotourism, management of conservation & protection areas, urban forests, services, product forest technology, forest management, social forest, silviculture, and environmental education. Starting Volume 23 (Year 2020), there is a return to the writing rules, and it is starting to enable online accepts of manuscripts and initiate changes of the website and related content to be better and preparation of journal accreditation. Until now, the publication is ongoing.